
What is cosmetic Bioglitter®

Glitter is a frequent addition to various makeup and care cosmetics, which is often referred to by environmental organizations as a worse problem than popular plastic straws. Usually it is washed off under water, and screens in sewage treatment plants are not able to catch such tiny particles. Thus, glitter becomes a microplastic put into the water circuit.

Does the threat to the environment mean the need to completely give up such a popular accessory as glitter? Not necessarily as long as there is an ecological alternative for it. In response to this problem, Bioglitter® was created, a product of natural origin, completely biodegradable in the natural environment. The cellulose obtained from eucalyptus replaces the polyester foil, which is most often used to create traditional glitter.

Bioglitter® has the OK Biodegradable WATER certificate issued by TÜV, which means guaranteed biodegradation in a natural, freshwater environment. The Cosmetic Bioglitter® range of glitters used in our cosmetics can boast the ECHA Microplastic Proposal award from January 2019, which will also confirm that Bioglitter® PURE glitter is completely microplastic-free.

Bioglitter® s Beta Analytic certified, which ensures 100% carbon content in the biobased, which indicates that the material is entirely obtained from natural sources.

Bioglitter® sets a new environmental standard for the glitter and cosmetics industries.

Bioglitter® replaces the polyester film used in traditional brocade with a unique and special form of hardwood cellulose (mainly eucalyptus – from responsibly managed and certified plantations, operating in accordance with PEFC ™ standards). This core has excellent ecological advantages as it is biodegradable in all environments: it is compostable in an industrial environment (EN13432, EN14995, ASTM D6400, ISO 17088) as well as in a domestic environment (OK Compost Home) and it is also marine biodegradable according to ASTM D6691-09.

Cosmetic Bioglitter® PURE used in our products has an environmentally friendly coating based on natural resins – now you can shine like a star without remorse.

* Bioglitter® is a registered trademark of Ronald Britton Limited and is authorized under license by Marie Brocart.

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